Thursday, April 15, 2010

Happily Melancholic Favorite #5: Another For The Darkness by Gemma Hayes

Talk, Talk
Empty Sentiment
I Haven't Got The Heart
For Disappointment
I really like this song, Another For The Darkness by Gemma Hayes.

The title at first may seem a little....Dark but the song itself is not.

It's kind of the feeling of upbeat melody with sad lyrics.

For me the song hits me on a personal level.

I think the reason why I like this song so much is because of the lyrics.

The lyrics are filled with hints of disappointment and confusion and also a hint of trying to help.

All that roll it into one and that's a great way to sum up my feelings these past couple of days.
Anyways, here's Another For The Darkness by Gemma Hayes.

Lyrical Snippets Hitting Home
Stop Looking At Me That Way
This line is related to a person who always talk about me behind my back and looks at me and makes me feel like crap for doing one little thing. It hurts.
Tired of The Fight
This hits me personally because I feel as if I always have to end up in an argument with another person just to prove to them that I didn't do whatever they thought I did. I just feel too weak to argue anymore.
Well, I Don't Understand You Better Than Most
I Am Just You Friend, With Troubles Of My Own
This is realated to one of my friends whom i keep sacrificing everything to but people still think that I abuse him or torture him because well, he tells people that. So, now I feel as if he expects me to understand him better than others because we're friends.
Truth is, I don't.
I won't be able to and I can't just stop everything and feel the same way you're feeling every time.
These Days I'm Surrounded By People I Don't Even Like
That is true I am but it's not everyone, just most of the people I don't like.

I don't think I'll be talking very much after today or tomorrow or the next week, cause what's the point of talking to people with my problems, troubles, and worries if I have to deal with it myself.
I'm going to have to get used to that.
I just hope that at least one day this year I'll have a good day with friends/family, fun, and laughter. I just really need a good day.
I want to smile more, I don't want to keep getting Anger shakes, feelings of loneliness and experience actions of disappointment anymore.
I just don't.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

My Favorite Song: It's Time by Maria Taylor -Personally Explained-

It's Time*
Love Me Bad Idea Oh No Flashback.
Personally for me it's more, "Don't love me, cause I'll just push you away".
Whisper I Barely Hear Okay Now Come Back.
For me it's "Inner voice I barely hear, please come back.
Hold (Let Me Down) Myself Up (Let Me Down)
For Each Let Down.

For this line it's a long story, basically to sum it up, I hold my head up high while people let me down all the time.
It Aches (Let Me Down) But It Feels Good (Let Me Down)
A Mistake (Let Me Down) Is Understood Now

At times in my life, when I am very sad I feel pain that aches and to me it feels good because I'm never able to feel sadness all the time. Most times in my life it is held in. Also, most times in my life I understand the mistakes I make or do.
It's Time, Can You Feel It? I'm Making A Change
There's A World I Need To Know

I feel the changes I'm making in my life and the changes of life itself, while I also want to see the world and do something better for the world too.
It's Time, Can You Feel It? I'm Making A Change
I Learned To Let It Go

I'm learning to let things go more, to free myself of the bad and focus more on the good.
I Don't Know You, But I Want To Now Oh No Flashback
This line is more about me my inner self and how I don't know much about me, myself because I've put myself aside to please people all the time. To see they're smiling faces, to put on that Seven Day Smile.
Careful, I'm Barely Here Okay, Now Come Back
Basically saying that my true self is barely shown and at most times it will go away whenever I'm around people afraid of what they might think if I show them my true self.
Hold (Let Me Down) Myself Up (Let Me Down)
For Each Let Down.
It Breaks (Let Me Down) But It Feels Good (Let Me Down)
Separate (Let Me Down) I Knew It Would Now
This basically describes my friendship with people that took advantage of me cause I'd help them all the time. Our friendship would break and we'll eventually separate cause they weren't friends with me just my "helpful" side.
It's Time, Can You Feel It? I'm Making A Change
There's A World I Need To Know

It's Time, Can You Feel It? I'm Making A Change
I Learned To Let You Go
This last part is expressing my feelings of letting the people I "love" go, because why keep being with them when all they do is let me down and they just expect me to repay them with kindness or respect when I don't really get a break and when I do I don't even ask for it. I have to do a lot of things by myself so if I have to go alone I'll be fine with that.

7th Happily Melancholic Song: It's Time by Maria Taylor

After 18 years of listening to music, I have finally found my favorite song. It's Time by Maria Taylor. Every line I hear from the song hits me at the right spot, the melodies speak to me and makes my soul fly and my smile grow wide, the hushed vocals tugs at my heart and motivates me to feel the emotion I have inside me. Every little thing about this song is perfect. I just love it.
I remember that I was listening to this song when I thought up of Happily Melancholic. The song has everything that's personal to me. It's Melancholic with an upbeat melody also it's about personal strength. I really love this song. If I didn't have this song in my collection I probably would still be the passive guy that I used to be.
Here's It's Time by Maria Taylor