Talk, TalkI really like this song, Another For The Darkness by Gemma Hayes.
Empty Sentiment
I Haven't Got The Heart
For Disappointment
The title at first may seem a little....Dark but the song itself is not.
It's kind of the feeling of upbeat melody with sad lyrics.
For me the song hits me on a personal level.
I think the reason why I like this song so much is because of the lyrics.
The lyrics are filled with hints of disappointment and confusion and also a hint of trying to help.
All that roll it into one and that's a great way to sum up my feelings these past couple of days.
Anyways, here's Another For The Darkness by Gemma Hayes.
Lyrical Snippets Hitting Home
Stop Looking At Me That WayThis line is related to a person who always talk about me behind my back and looks at me and makes me feel like crap for doing one little thing. It hurts.
Tired of The FightThis hits me personally because I feel as if I always have to end up in an argument with another person just to prove to them that I didn't do whatever they thought I did. I just feel too weak to argue anymore.
Well, I Don't Understand You Better Than MostThis is realated to one of my friends whom i keep sacrificing everything to but people still think that I abuse him or torture him because well, he tells people that. So, now I feel as if he expects me to understand him better than others because we're friends.
I Am Just You Friend, With Troubles Of My Own
Truth is, I don't.
I won't be able to and I can't just stop everything and feel the same way you're feeling every time.
These Days I'm Surrounded By People I Don't Even LikeThat is true I am but it's not everyone, just most of the people I don't like.
I don't think I'll be talking very much after today or tomorrow or the next week, cause what's the point of talking to people with my problems, troubles, and worries if I have to deal with it myself.
I'm going to have to get used to that.
I just hope that at least one day this year I'll have a good day with friends/family, fun, and laughter. I just really need a good day.
I want to smile more, I don't want to keep getting Anger shakes, feelings of loneliness and experience actions of disappointment anymore.
I just don't.